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“Born on the Fourth of July” is a 1989 American war drama film directed by Oliver Stone, based on the autobiography of the same name by Ron Kovic (played by Tom Cruise). The film tells the powerful and emotional story of Kovic’s life, from his patriotic upbringing to his experiences as a Marine in the Vietnam War and his subsequent transformation into an anti-war activist.

The film begins in the mid-1950s, portraying the young Ron Kovic as a patriotic and idealistic teenager from a small town in Long Island, New York. Inspired by his family’s intense patriotism and desire to fight for his country, Kovic enlists in the United States Marine Corps and heads off to Vietnam with high hopes.

However, the reality of war shatters Kovic’s dreams. In Vietnam, he witnesses the horrors of battle, enduring not only physical injuries but also the psychological trauma of the conflict. During an intense firefight, Kovic is critically wounded, leaving him paralyzed from the chest down.

Returning to his hometown as a wounded veteran, Kovic struggles with the harsh realities of his disability and the disillusionment caused by the war. He faces rejection from society and the government that sent him to fight. As he confronts the physical and emotional challenges of his new life, Kovic becomes increasingly disillusioned with the war and the treatment of veterans.

Motivated by his own experiences and the injustices he witnesses, Kovic becomes an outspoken anti-war activist. He joins protests, engages in civil disobedience, and fights for veterans’ rights and better treatment. Throughout his journey, Kovic faces personal and political challenges, but he remains determined to make a difference and find his sense of purpose and redemption.

“Born on the Fourth of July” is a deeply affecting and thought-provoking film that explores themes of patriotism, war, identity, and the resilience of the human spirit. It portrays war’s personal and societal impact on an individual’s life, shedding light on the complexities of the Vietnam War era and its aftermath.

Available to watch on Netflix.