“13 Ghosts” is a 1960 horror film directed by the renowned William Castle, known for his innovative gimmicks in the horror genre. This film is no exception, as it was presented in “Illusion-O,” a gimmick where the audience could use special glasses to see or avoid seeing the ghosts, depending on their comfort level with fright.

The film revolves around the Zorba family, led by the character of Cyrus Zorba (Donald Woods), who has recently inherited a mysterious, old mansion from his eccentric and ghost-obsessed uncle, Dr. Plato Zorba. The family, including Cyrus, his wife Hilda (Rosemary DeCamp), their daughter Medea (Jo Morrow), and their young son Buck (Charles Herbert), is in financial distress and sees this inheritance as an opportunity for a fresh start. Upon moving into the mansion, they discover it to be a foreboding and gothic residence filled with strange contraptions, secret passages, and, most notably, an extensive collection of ghosts, 12 to be exact. Cyrus soon finds a pair of supernatural glasses left behind by his uncle. These glasses allow him to see the ghosts in the house, which appear in various gruesome and eerie forms.

Dr. Plato Zorba’s will stipulates that the family must stay in the mansion for one night and survive the supernatural ordeal to inherit their uncle’s fortune. As the night progresses, they encounter an array of malevolent spirits, each with a chilling backstory and gruesome appearance. These encounters range from a headless lion tamer to a murderous cook, a floating head, and many more. The family must navigate the perilous traps and avoid becoming the 13th ghost.

The film blends humor, suspense, and classic horror tropes, keeping the audience engaged as the family battles supernatural forces and uncovers the mansion’s mysteries.
The estate lawyer named Ben Rush (played by Martin Milner) knows that Dr. Plato Zorba has hidden his fortune somewhere in the house. Rush had previously searched for the money without success. In a scene where Buck slides down the stairs and two $100 bills fall loose, Rush deceives Buck into secretly searching for the rest of the money. Buck consequently finds the money hidden under the stairs, where Rush waits until the boy is asleep before attempting to murder him in the same way that he killed Dr. Zorba: using a four-poster bed with a descending canopy that fatally suffocates people.

Zorba’s ghost appears, killing Rush by driving the terrified Rush under the canopy as Buck awakens and escapes. Rush has become the 13th ghost. The following day, Cyrus and his family count the recovered money and decide to stay. Elaine (played by Margaret Hamilton), the housekeeper who comes with the mansion, says the ghosts have left but predicts they will return, much to Buck’s delight. Unseen by the family, an unseen force blows the special glasses into smithereens.

“13 Ghosts” is a product of its time, characterized by its campy and gimmicky presentation. It’s a fun and nostalgic example of classic horror cinema, featuring a combination of spooky thrills and humor.